At Paragon Institute of Innovation, we value planetary health, social equality, environmental justice, and innovations that stimulate job creation in the green sector. We foster a culture of gamechangers, and hold a special place for those way out-of-the-box ideas that often get labelled as "crazy," yet are the ones that end up changing the world.
Our mission is to research, develop, and support the progressive accessibility and integration of new and/or improved technologies into societies, as well as use these innovations to promote and ignite economic development and social reform on a local and global level. By selecting emerging bright minds in the field, the multi-faceted Think Tank projects that we pioneer shall not only provide great advancements in the realm of science, but also provide eco-conscious, affordable, and sustainable solutions that may be infused into underdeveloped areas.
Collectively our programs are designed to create greater sustainability while improving quality of life through environmental and economic Research & Development that drives better policies near and far. Empowering young generations of color to believe in themselves, as well as connecting them to new methods of learning, shall boost academic performance, bolster job placement, increase GDP, and increase the numbers of diverse innovators and entrepreneurs in the market. Taking every angle possible, PII is planting the seeds required to cultivate solutions on a local and global level.